Tuesday, June 20, 2006

R n R

Rules and Regulations (R&R) To HaViN FuN At My BlOg

Please do not hesitate to e-mail at shabbat3712a@hotmail.com

SPAM is not welcome.

Make this place a place where people find it refreshing and a source of encouragement.

Make this place a place of warm fellowship , if you want me to post your name or BlOg on my BlOg, please do tag me and i will post it 4 you .

You can send me pictures, music to my email and i will post it on the BlOg.

If u have any cool links, please tag it in the tagboard so i can put it under my links section

Do not post rascist comments, any hateful message, obscene pictures or anything harmful or hurting to others....

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